In the early stages of our development our Society was fortunate to have a few hardworking, dedicated colleagues who helped build a strong foundation on which we have been able to grow.
The C.A.R.E. Award is our way of recognizing a member of our Community who has been an Advocate for our profession, who has taken on Responsibility to help in some way, and who acknowledges the importance of Education.

Previous C.A.R.E. Award Winners
C.A.R.E. Award Nomination
If you know of an RPE who has demonstrated support of the RPE Community, who has been an Advocate for our profession, who has taken on Responsibility to help in some way, and who acknowledges the importance of Education, please nominate the deserving professional for the C.A.R.E. Award which will be given at the Annual SRPE Educational Conference in Las Vegas, NV. The SRPE encourages any and all nominations by RTs, RAs, and radiologists, as well as self-nominations for the C.A.R.E. Award.